Configuration and provisioning

Services overview

  • IProvisioningService - used to provision new agents and access the provisioning configuration that contains endpoint data, ownerhip info, service endpoints, etc.
  • IConnectionService - manage connection records, create and accept invitations
  • ICredentialService - manage credential records, create offer, issue, revoke and store credentials
  • IProofService - send proof requests, provide and verify proofs
  • IWalletRecordService - utility service used to manage custom application records that are stored in the wallet
  • ISchemaService - create and manage schemas and credential definitions

Dependency injection

When using ASP.NET Core, you can use the extension methods to configure the agent. This will add all required dependencies to the service provider. Additionaly, the AgentFramework depends on the Logging extensions. These need to be added as well.

If using other tool, you will have to add each required service or message handler manually.

Example if using Autofac

// .NET Core dependency collection
var services = new ServiceCollection();

// Autofac builder
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// Register all required services
    .Where(x => x.Namespace.StartsWith("AgentFramework.Core.Runtime",

// If using message handler package, you can add all handlers
    .Where(x => x.IsClass && x is IMessageHandler)


Check the Xamarin Sample for example registration.

Provisioning an Agent

The process of provisioning agents will create and configure an agent wallet and initialize the agent configuration. The framework will generate a random Did and Verkey, unless you specify AgentSeed which is used if you need determinism. Length of seed must be 32 characters.

await _provisioningService.ProvisionAgentAsync(
    new ProvisioningConfiguration
        EndpointUri = "http://localhost:5000",
        OwnerName = "My Agent"

Check the ProvisioningConfiguration.cs for full configuration details. You can retrieve the generated details like agent Did and Verkey using

var provisioning = await _provisioningService.GetProvisioningAsync(wallet);

Trust Anchor requirement

If an agent is intended to act as an issuer, i.e. be able to issue credentials, their DID must be registered on the ledger with the TRUST_ANCHOR role. Additionally, when provisioning the agent, set the ProvisioningConfiguration.CreateIssuer propety to true. If you already have a seed for creating the issuer DID set the ProvisioningConfiguration.IssuerSeed to that value. Otherwise, a random DID will be generated. This DID must be added to the ledger as TRUST_ANCHOR.


If you are using the development indy node docker image, use 000000000000000000000000Steward1 as issuer seed. This will create a DID that has all required permissions.

Agent Workflows

Before you begin reading any of the topics below, please familiarize youself with the core principles behind Hyperledger Indy. We suggest that you go over the Indy SDK Getting Started Guide.

Models and states

The framework abstracts the main workflows of Indy into a state machine model. The following models and states are defined:


Represented with a ConnectionRecord, this entity describes the pairwise relationship with another party. The states for this record are:

  • Invited - initially, when creating invitations to connect, the record will be set to this state.
  • Negotating - set after accepting an invitation and sending a request to connect
  • Connected - set when both parties have acknowledged the connection and have a pairwise record of each others DID’s


Represented wih a CredentialRecord, this entity holds a reference to issued credential. While only the party to whom this credential was issued will have the actual credential in their wallet, both the issuer and the holder will have a CredentialRecord with the associated status for their reference. Credential states:

  • Offered - initial state, when an offer is sent to the holder
  • Requested - the holder has sent a credential request to the issuer
  • Issued - the issuer accepted the credential request and issued a credential
  • Rejected - the issuer rejected the credential request
  • Revoked - the issuer revoked a previously issued credential


Represented with a ProofRecord, this entity references a proof flow between the holder and verifier. The ProofRecord contains information about the proof request as well as the disclosed proof by the holder. Proof states:

  • Requested - initial state when the verifier sends a proof request
  • Accepted - the holder has provided a proof
  • Rejected - the holder rejected providing proof for the request

Schemas and definitions

Before an issuer can create credentials, they need to register a credential definition for them on the ledger. Credential definition requires a schema, which can also be registered by the same issuer or it can already be present on the ledger.

// creates new schema and registers the schema on the ledger
var schemaId = await _schemaService.CreateSchemaAsync(
    _pool, _wallet, "My-Schema", "1.0", new[] { "FirstName", "LastName", "Email" });

// to lookup an existing schema on the ledger
var schemaJson = await _schemaService.LookupSchemaAsync(_pool, schemaId);

Once a schemaId has been established, an issuer can send their credential definition on the ledger.

var definitionId = await _schemaService.CreateCredentialDefinitionAsync(_pool, _wallet,
    schemaId, supportsRevocation: true, maxCredentialCount: 100);

The above code will create SchemaRecord and DefinitionRecord in the issuer wallet that can be looked up using the ISchemaService.


Creating schemas and definition requires an issuer. See the Trust Anchor requirement above.

To retrieve all schemas or definitions registered with this agent, use:

var schemas = await _schemaService.ListSchemasAsync(_wallet);
var definitions = await _schemaService.ListCredentialDefinitionsAsync(_wallet);

// To get a single record
var definition = await _schemaService.GetCredentialDefinitionAsync(wallet, definitionId);

Establishing secure connection

Before two parties can exchange agent messages, a secure connection must be established between them. The agent connection workflow defines this handshake process by exchanging a connection request/response message.

Sending invitations

Connection invitations are exchanged over a previously established trusted protocol such as email, QR code, deep link, etc. When Alice wants to establish a connection to Bob, she can create an invitation:

// Alice creates an invitation
var invitation = await connectionService.CreateInvitationAsync(aliceWallet);

She sends this invitation to Bob using the above described methods.

Negotating connection

Once Bob received the invitation from Alice, they can accept that invitation and initiate the negotiation process

// Bob accepts invitation and sends a message request
await connectionService.AcceptInvitationAsync(bobWallet, invitation);

If you are using the default message handlers, no other step in needed - connection between Alice and Bob has been established. Use IConnectionService.ListAsync to fetch the connection records. Established connections will have the State property set to Connected.


If you decide to use custom handlers and want more control over the negotiation process, the connection service provides methods to work with the connections message flows, such as processing and accepting requests/responses. A full step by step code is available in the unit tests project in EstablishConnectionAsync.

Credential issuance

An issuer may use the ICredentialService to issue new credentials. A credential issuance starts with a credential offer.

var offerConfig = new OfferConfiguration()
    // the id of the connection record to which this offer will be sent
    ConnectionId = connectionId,
    CredentialDefinitionId = definitionId

// Send an offer to the holder using the established connection channel
var credentialRecordId = await credentialService.SendOfferAsync(issuerWallet, offerConfig);

When credential offer is sent, new CredentialRecord will be created and it’s state set to Offered. You can list all credential records using

var credentials = await credentialService.ListAsync();

Issuing credential

var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"FirstName", "Jane"},
    {"LastName", "Doe"},
    {"Email", "no@spam"}

// Issuer accepts the credential requests and issues a credential
await credentialService.IssueCredentialAsync(pool, issuerWallet, credentialRecordId, values);

An issuer can issue a credential only if the credential record state is Requested. This means that the holder has accepted the offer and sent back a credential request message.

Storing issued credential

If using the default handlers, once a credential has been issued and received by the holder’s agent, it will be automatically stored and available in the wallet.


If the credential definition supports revocation (can only be set when creating the definition), an issuer may decide to revoke a credential.

// Revokes a credential, updates the tails file and sends the delta to the ledger
await credentialService.RevokeCredentialAsync(pool, wallet, credentialRecordId)

Proof verification

Proof requests

Preparing proof
